Conditions of use of gift cards and vouchers and Liability

  • The Products are valid until the Use By Date indicated on the Gift Voucher. After this date, no more exchanges or extensions are possible.
  • For getaways and staysPayment of a tourist tax will be requested from the Beneficiary on the day of the Service (from 0.50 to 1.50 Euros per person and per day).
  • In the event of non-use, loss or destruction of the Gift Voucher, the Beneficiary cannot claim a refund.

Right to retract

In the case of remote payment by telephone (distance selling VAD) or an online purchase on our website and in accordance with article L121-16 of the Consumer Code, the Buyer has a period of 14 (fourteen) clear days from the date of payment or date of receipt of the gift card(s)  of the wellness shop, to cancel the order, for reimbursement.

The exercise of the right of withdrawal will give rise to the choice of the buyer:
– either a refund, in cash by re-crediting the bank card entered during the initial order or, if this is impossible, by check letter,

– or the allocation of a purchase voucher.


If the client is late, the duration of the treatment will be reduced in proportion to the time of delay.

The purchaser of treatment(s) giving rise to a service requiring an appointment has the right to cancel 48 hours (forty-eight hours) before the appointment to shift the time and/or or the date. Within 48 hours (forty-eight hours) before the appointment, the treatment will be considered completed and no refund can be made.

Bien-Hêtre Ecolodges care and nature reserves the right to reschedule an appointment, the new time slot must be accepted by the client. In case of dispute Well-Being Ecolodges Care and  nature  must provide proof that the customer has been properly informed about the travel request (email, SMS, etc.).

force majeure

The obligations contained herein will not be applicable or will be suspended automatically and without compensation if their execution has become impossible due to a case of force majeure or a fortuitous event as defined by article 1218 of the Civil Code. and by case law or for any reason attributable to the Purchaser, or the Beneficiary.

Each Party must inform its co-contractor by any means and as soon as possible in the event of the occurrence of an event of force majeure preventing it from performing all or part of its contractual obligations.

The Parties must make every effort to prevent or reduce the effects of non-performance of the contract caused by an event of force majeure; the Party wishing to invoke an event of force majeure must notify the other Party without delay of the beginning and, where applicable, the cessation of this event, failing which it cannot be relieved of its liability.

Computing and Freedom

The collection of personal data, their use for order processing and the creation of customer files is subject to the consent of the person concerned.

In accordance with the amended Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, the Buyer/Beneficiary has a right of individual access, withdrawal, rectification and deletion of his personal data. The Purchaser/Beneficiary may exercise this right by writing to the following postal address, indicating his surname, first name and address as well as the subject of the request  : Bien-Hêtre, 1b Chemin Hartane, 64440 Fichous-Riumayou. 

The information relating to the collection of personal data is accessible in its entirety in the section “  Privacy Policy  ” of the page ”  Confidentiality charter and legal notices  “.

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